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What is XP in Duolingo? (And How to Find Out How Many XP You Have!)

XP in Duolingo stands for Experience Points and they are rewarded whenever a user completes a lesson, reviews a lesson, earns a Legendary level, or completes challenges like Match Madness. Your XP in Duolingo determines your language level (which you can find here!) and also can help you advance in the Duolingo Leagues.

How to Get XP in Duolingo

In order to get XP in Duolingo, you have to complete a lesson within a language course. Each lesson usually will earn you 10 XP.

10 XP earned per lesson on Duolingo

I seriously would not be able to learn languages without italki (I’m taking 3 classes per week right now) try out a class and you’ll thank me later. They’re usually $9 or less!

Another way to get XP is to review a lesson you have already finished for 5 XP or choose to turn it “Legendary” and earn 40 XP.

review on duolingo for 5 XP and go legendary for 40 XP

If you want to get XP faster, here are the 10 fastest ways to get XP! Also, make sure that you are using Duolingo as efficiently as possible so that you aren’t wasting time on the app.

RELATED:  Everything You Need to Know About Duolingo Stories

How to Find Out How Many XP You Have

Go to your profile on the Duolingo app (which is the head icon in the middle) and you will be able to see the total amount of XP that you have earned. This number is the amount of XP you have between ALL of the courses that you have done on Duolingo.

So in my case, this adds up English to Spanish, Italian, and French as well as my courses from Spanish to Italian and French, etc.

Want to learn a language quickly and never forget it? Check out this book on Amazon about how to stay fluent in a language over time without losing fluency!

This is what that looked like before Duolingo switched to the new Path system.

profile on duolingo that shows total XP earned

Now the placement and style are a little different, but you can still find out how many overall XP you have earned pretty quickly:

amount of XP earned in Duolingo shown in profile tab

If you want to see how much XP you have in just ONE course, you will need to use the Duome website. To do that, you will need to type in Duolingo.

RELATED:  How to Find Duolingo Vocabulary Lists: 4 Creative Ways

For example, mine is From there, you can see all the stats of the course that you are currently on in Duolingo.

Duome shows total XP for each language

To see another language, just change your language course in the app and then refresh the Duome webpage and it will show the stats for that language instead.

Language Learning Must-Haves

RELATED:  The BEST Way to Use Duolingo: A 12 Step Efficient Strategy

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